
I enjoy working in a variety of artistic mediums and techniques. I find inspiration for my art from occurrences in everyday life which inspires me to produce artwork that captures my memories and feelings of these occurrences.

Many of my pastels and paintings have been inspired by visits to Kew Gardens, the Kyoto Garden in Holland Park and Hampstead Heath. The way surveillance has become an unchallenged acceptable part of everyday life is reflected in my prints, which combine influences of Mexican murals and Joseph Albers.

My ‘Real Doll’ series started as a venture into combining re-photographed appropriated film images of Real Dolls with text to create my own artwork. This work was inspired by the use of dolls by artists such as Hans Bellmer. I found Bellmer’s photographs of dolls unsettling but also fascinating. These feelings were subsequently invoked by images of Real Dolls which led me to use them in my artwork.

I studied BA Hons Fine Art at Sir John Cass College (London Metropolitan University) and this course of study included an exchange with City College, New York. Previous studies included a two year Fine Art Course at City Lit Institute, London and an Open University BA Hons in Humanities with Art History.

Lowes Dickinson, 2003-2004

Work in collections
Candid Arts Trust